Hello, and welcome to the ZipCPU blog! This is my first blog post, and so it is a chance to introduce myself, the ZipCPU, and some of the insights I’ve come across while answering help requests on the Digilent forums.

Since this is also my first blog, please feel free to write to me regarding any errors you find in this web-site: broken links, broken web code, etc.

I am the owner of a small company, Gisselquist Technology, LLC, a services based company focused on providing superior Computer Engineering and Signal Processing Services to our customers. I am also a 20 year veteran of the U.S. Air Force. While in the Air Force, I sought out and worked on the most difficult engineering challenges our nation faced. Now, after a Ph.D. and 20 years of service, I have focused my energies on the ZipCPU and the environment, toolsuite, and peripherals necessary to support both it and any customer applications.

I’d like to use this blog to share some of the lessons I have learned over the years. These include both Digital Signal Processing topics, as well as FPGA design topics. While some of these topics may be self serving, such as how to set up the ZipCPU, I’d like to address other topics which are often the subject of Digilent forum requests. I’m planning on my first topic being how to debug an FPGA design, especially since so many junior engineering students writing in to Digilent’s forums don’t seem to know how to do that.

Over time, I’d also like to answer the question of how to achieve very clear frequency resolution when doing FFT processing, or how to build a universal resampler.
